I look kinda sad, and I was when this photo was snapped. It was a boring birthday party with the usual cake and ice cream and the usual presents and exclamations of “Just what I wanted” and “how beautiful”. I sure wish I had a photo from a couple of hours later, when the party was over and we were smeared all over with cake from the cake fight. Any break from routine was welcomed at our house, especially from anything humanly ordinary.
One of the first things I learned as a young girl was that girls can never be The Boss.
Not only bossness, but everything of real value and worth was denied women — not just me, but every woman, and my Mom Eve was determined to get me past the blockages she and her mom had experienced from the Boys’ Club.
What is the Boy’s Club?
It’s the attitude of pretty much all men — that women are servants, sex slaves and have no soul.
The soul part is true — we don’t HAVE souls. We are souls. Continue reading